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1 1/4 cups of oil for the cake

1 cup of sugar for the cake

4 pieces of egg for the cake

2 cups of flour for the cake

1 teaspoon of baking powder for the cake

1 1/2 teaspoons of baking soda for the cake

1/2 teaspoon of salt for the cake

1 tablespoon of cinnamon for the cake

2 cups grated carrot, for the cake

1/2 cup of grated coconut for the cake

1/2 Cup of walnut finely chopped, for the cake

1 teaspoon of vanilla for the cake

1 Cup of pineapple cut into squares, for the cake

90 grams of butter for the bitumen

380 grams of cream cheese for bitumen

1 1/2 cups of icing sugar for the bitumen

1 teaspoon of vanilla for the bitumen

1 Cup of walnut finely chopped, to decorate

1/2 cup of coconut to decorate (frappé)



Preheat the oven to 180°C.


For the cake, in a mixer add the oil, sugar and eggs, beat for 3 minutes.


With the help of a strainer, add the flour, the baking powder, the baking soda, the salt and the cinnamon, beat for 5 minutes.


Gradually add the carrots, coconut, nuts, vanilla essence and pineapple, beat for 3 minutes


Pour the previous mixture over 3 previously floured and greased molds, bake for 25 minutes.

Let cool and reserve.


For the bitumen, beat the butter with the cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla essence for 5 minutes, place on a pastry bag with a smooth duya.


Place the bitumen on a cake base without reaching the edges, place another cake base on top, repeat the process until you have three floors.


Cover the cake with the rest of the bitumen, with the help of a sleeve with curly duya decorate the cake, sprinkle with nuts and coconut



Certainly! Here are some tips for making carrot cake with pineapple:



1. Grate the carrots: Use fresh carrots and grate them finely for a moist texture. Avoid using pre-shredded carrots as they may be too thick and result in a drier cake.


2. Drain the pineapple: If you’re using canned pineapple, make sure to drain the juice well to prevent excess moisture in the cake. You can press the pineapple against a sieve or use a paper towel to remove the excess juice.


3. Add nuts for texture: Consider adding chopped nuts like walnuts or pecans to the cake batter. They provide a delightful crunch and complement the flavors of the carrot and pineapple.


4. Use whole-grain flour: Opt for whole-grain flour or a mix of whole-grain and all-purpose flour for added fiber and nutrients. It can enhance the nutritional profile of the cake without compromising taste or texture.


5. Spice it up: Use a combination of warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger to add depth of flavor to your carrot cake. Adjust the quantities to suit your personal preference.


6. Cream cheese frosting: Carrot cake pairs exceptionally well with cream cheese frosting. It’s a classic choice that complements the flavors of the cake. Consider making a homemade cream cheese frosting using cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and a touch of vanilla extract.


7. Allow the cake to cool: After baking, let the carrot cake cool completely before frosting. This allows the cake to set and prevents the frosting from melting or becoming too soft.


8. Store properly: If you have any leftovers, store the carrot cake in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh for a few days.


Remember to always follow your specific recipe instructions and make any adjustments based on personal preferences. Enjoy your homemade carrot cake with pineapple!


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